2chan translations

The Mystery Woman Who Always Appears in AI Horror Art

1. Who is “the mysterious woman who appears throughout most horror pictures created by AI”? The fear of the digital jibakurei (a ghost that can be found only in one single spot) attacking our society.

“AI art” is a hot topic these days. By entering words or the name of an artist into an app, anyone can generate drawings that look like they were drawn by an illustrator. Until a few years ago, these images weren’t very accurate, but recently they have improved dramatically. It is now even possible to output images that are comparable to those drawn by a real person.

And so, recently a strange rumour started circulating the internet. “Whenever you ask AI to draw a horror picture, the same woman always appears.” SNS such as Twitter often talk about how she “has large eyes,” and “it’s a woman with long hair and white clothes.” What could it all mean?

More at source: https://tocana.jp/2022/09/post_240967_entry.html

3. It’s the fault of the person who taught it that.

4. Inside us all is a girl in a white dress.

5. Seriously? Lol.

6. It’s either Sadako or Hasshaku-sama.

7. If it’s all over the world, then it can’t be a jibakurei, right? By definition…

11. It would have been better if it was a cat or something.


79. >>16 Wait, how many times do you have to see this image before you die?

18. Bloody hell. The ad just below this had a woman in a white dress with long hair and big eyes.

21. Sadako’s influence is massive. Before that it was probably the girl in pyjamas from The Exorcist, huh?

25. Ghosts wearing clothes are 100% all fake. Cloth can’t become a ghost as well.

27. >>25 It’s something like the ghost’s lingering thoughts materialising as clothes.

30. >>25 Then ghosts wouldn’t have hair either. The cells are long dead and are different to human flesh.

31. These are created based on a keyword image search, right? Then we should be able to identify the original image of the mystery woman.

33. It’s a composite of Sadako and Ju-On. Japanese horror is amazing.

37. She’s kinda cute.

39. So this is what my favourite AI app I like to mess around with gave me when I asked it to draw “horror”.

41. >>39 Looks kinda neat, like a record cover.

57. >>39 A:I: “Well, like, women are scary, right…”

68. >>39 That’s scary.

76. >>39 That’s actually scary and has great sense, lol. Thanks to AI, illustrators are going to be out of jobs now, huh?

40. They’re made from images they scraped on the internet, right? If so, it’s not strange she’d look like that.

42. Miss 404.

48. She’s not here.

55. >>48 This uses Friday the 13th as a topic, right? Why on earth does it look like someone’s going “hell yeah, no work tomorrow!”?

61. >>55 Because that person is happy the following day is Saturday, lol.

98. >>55 Ah, I see! So those parts got mixed together.

49. It’s just Towako.

51. It based off Kuchisake-onna.

69. It needs to study more.

87. AI pictures, even the pop ones, feel kinda creepy. They’re like the illustrated version of the uncanny valley.

89. Even AI-san stereotypes.

92. If you ask AI to draw a Japanese face it would probably be terrible.

95. >>92 It isn’t exactly the same, but I put in the word “japanese” and got this, lol.

96. So like, horror generally has women with long straight hair, but all the men are bald, lol.

101. There aren’t that many ghostly characters after Sadako that became really popular though. Once you’ve read up to Rasen, you don’t really care much about Sadako anymore though.

101. I like those videos where Alexa opens the bedroom door.

103. How boring. It’s like the 90s or something.

109. It’s our collective unconscious.

112. It’s a computer virus from Sadako.

107. This is something that would appear on Yonimo Kimyo na Monogatari.



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