
Top 10 Horror Movies As Voted By Japanese People

Ever wondered which Japanese horror films the Japanese themselves find scary? Wonder no more! Thanks to goo rankings we once again have a list! These are the top 10 Japanese horror films as voted by goo readers.

10. Furueru Shita (Trembling Tongue) (1980) [45 votes]
9. Black House (1999) [47 votes]
8. Sadako 3D (2012) [47 votes]
7. Sadako vs Kayako (2016) [71 votes]
6. The Complex (2013) [76 votes]
5. Village of Eight Gravestones (1977) [79 votes]
4. Dark Water (2002) [81 votes]
3. One Missed Call (2004) [98 votes]
2. Ju-on (2003) [122 votes]
1. Ringu (1998) [290 votes]

Considering Sadako’s near single-handed dominance over the Japanese horror medium since Ringu was released, it’s not that surprising to see that movie at number one, nor how many votes it gathered. How does this compare to your Top 10 list? Any surprises? Let me know in the comments below!



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